Film Recipes with Strong Stylised Looks

Heavily styled film recipes for creating distinct and extreme looks

Whilst the Fujifilm film simulations are superb as bases for nostalgic film recipes or ones to mimic Kodak film or Fujicolor looks, a range of more extreme styles are also possible by pushing the various settings towards the limits.

So here we have the outliers and divergents, with strong colour shifts, extra deep tones or heavy exaggerations of a stylistic theme. None are really designed for day to day use, but more for giving a strong look when you want a bit of something different. For a rich golden hour with a peachy sunset, or a deep tones look with dark colour, these are the recipes to try.

In this list is one of my favourite creations, Vinterskog which loves moody weather and the colder seasons. Another top pick is Classic Gold, with a strong retro look.


Strong Styles & Bold Look Film Recipes

Strongly Styled Film Recipes on Other Sites

Heavily styled recipes aren’t very common, but there are a few out there. Of particular note is Captn Look who likes to create dreamy looks with settings pushed to maximum.