Astia Film Recipes

Film recipes using Astia Soft film simulation

This page brings together the film recipes that use the Astia/Sfot film simulation, and because there ate just a ahndful, the Provia ones too.

Astia is one of the longest serving film simulations on Fujifilm X series cameras. I remember it on my X10 that owned many years ago. It was often a great choice for portrait photos, and on the newer cameras it has a very film like vibe.

My film recipes are designed on an X-Trans IV X-S10 camera, so these recipes are fully compatible with that gerneation and newer. But, with Astia available on so many cameras, you may find inspiration here that you can use to adapt to your own styles.

As for favourites, I love Astia Mellow, Vintage Astia and Kodak Ultramax.


Astia Film Simulation Recipes

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More Astia Recipes

Whilst there are many more recipes with other simulations, there’s something special about the look you get from Astia. Here are a few top choices from other creators.