Soft Power, an Astia Recipe for Everyday

Film simulation recipe for rich smooth colours using the Astia Soft setting

In my process for creating film recipes for our cameras, I will often be testing lots of new combinations to see how they work in different conditions. Alongside this, I will usually also have one recipe loaded that I know will deliver the goods in the widest range of situations. This helps give a contrasting view when compared with my experiments, but also means I get at least one shot that I know I can keep, if the experiments don’t work out.

Soft Power is one of those safe film recipes that delivers a fantastic look and feel, with rich and beautiful colours, and tone control that delivers the goods in all sorts of lighting conditions.

The recipe is based on the Astia Soft film simulation, and gives a boost to the already beautiful colours that come from this simulation. In my typical style, I lift the shadows a few notches, as I prefer to see detail here, but you could keep this closer to zero, or use -1 if your camera doesn’t support the -1.5 option.

This receipe also gains some impact from a single click of underexposure at -1/3. This adjustment pairs nicely with a +1 setting for highlights. If you expose without the compensation, keep an eye on highlights to ensure they don’t burn too much. A DR400 setting helps here, but it’s a point to note.

Rich beautiful colours, captured with the Astia based Soft Power film recipe

Soft Power Film Recipe

  • Simulation: Astia/Soft
  • Grain Effect: Off
  • Colour Chrome Effect: Strong
  • Colour Chrome Blue: Weak (IV) / Off (V)
  • White Balance: Fluorescent 3
  • WB Shift: +3 Red, -8 Blue
  • Dynamic Range: DR400
  • Highlights: +1.0
  • Shadows: -1.5
  • Color: +3
  • Sharpness: 0
  • ISO Noise Reduction: -4
  • Clarity: 0
  • EV compensation: -1/3
Sunset at my local marina, using the Soft Power film recipe
Walking in the woodland, with Soft Power film recipe
A discovered seashell at low tide. Blue hour with the Soft Power film recipe
Spring greens in the sunlight, using the Soft Power film recipe
Winter sunrise captures with the Soft Power film recipe
On the farm with Soft Power film recipe. The bulls are watching!
A misty morning, captured with the Soft Power film recipe
A little spring sunshine, with Soft Power film recipe
Butterflies taken with the 70-300 lens and Soft Power film recipe

To see more photos taken with film recipes, and to share your photos with others, why not join our Film Recipes Facebook Group 📷

FEATURED THREE – Try one of these on your next adventure!

Pale Barca
Childhood Vacation

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